Conflict management training manual
Contribution to a book on civil conflict management
Articles, studies, internal working papers
- Caesar, Karoline (2022):"Mediation ist eine Kraft, die die Welt
verändern kann." Interview mit Dieudonné Kibinakanwa, Träger des Mietek
Pemper Preises der Universität Augsburg für Versöhnung und
Spektrum der Mediation Nr.89
("Mediation is a force that can change the world." Interview with Dieudonné Kibinakanwa, winner of the University of Augsburg's Mietek Pemper Prize for Reconciliation and International Understanding.), pp.10-13.
- Caesar,
K. (2020): „Mein
Traum ist: Wir sind alle Menschen.“ Interview mit Carole Sambale –
Mediatorin zwischen den Welten, AfricaPositive, 22. Jahrgang, Nummer 79, ("My dream is: We are all just people." Interview with Carole Sambale - Mediator between worlds) S.32-33.
K. (2018): 'A Green Place, A Good Place - a classic in African GreatLakes Region's history – what's in it for today's peacebuilders?'
K. (2017): 'Entscheidendes Wissen“ - Rezension von A. Autesserres Peaceland. ('Crucial knowledge' - book review of A. Autesserre's Peaceland) . In: E&Z E-Paper März 2017, pp. 38-39.
K., Augustinovic, M., Weinz, I. (2016): Regional strategy for
Sub-Saharan Africa. International Relations' department, Robert Bosch
K. (2015): 'Can community mediation inform conflict resolution approaches in Burundi?' Transconflict.
- Caesar, K. (2015): 'The Boon', in Kompass Nr. 4 - Burn On, Weltfriedensdienst.
K.& B. Iryivuze (2015): Étude sur la situation actuelle des
comités de paix en matière de réseautage. (Study about the peace committees' networks). WFD/MIPAREC, Bujumbura.
K., Nahimana, E. & Nibayubahe, E. (2014):
de la situation sécuritáire dans la zone d'intervention de
Mi-PAREC. (Perceptions
of the security situation in Mi-PAREC's target area). WFD/ MIPAREC,
B. Schoenegg, G., Rohhardt, C. & K. Caesar (2014): Stratégie
pays du Service Civil pour la Paix, Burundi. (Burundi country strategy, German Civil Peace Service).
K (2014): 'Marc Ndarigendane – a Burundian peacemaker'.
K. (2011): Civil
Society and Good Governance in Malawi.
K. (2011): Volunteer
Survey. National Initiative for Civic Education.
K. (2008): Migration and national identity - analysing head scarf debates in Germany and Denmark.
My "why"
Ever since I had been to the USA as a 17 year old exchange student with
Youth for Understanding I
have always strived to know other cultures at a deeper level. In total,
I have spent eight years abroad and have been working internationally
for 14 years. My role models are my former
Malawian and
Burundian colleagues
whom I owe until today - they have modeled conflict transformation for
me over and over again in every day life, and they have inspired me
until today moderating and mediating in a profound way building trust. I would also like to give something back from the hospitality of my hosts and the openness and empathy of my international partners, and I am convinced that we all benefit from open and trustworthy interaction with one another.